Social Wellness, is a key dimension of wellness that contributes to health, happiness, and overall quality of life, and it is therefore an important area of focus at Leigh Place.
Research clearly demonstrates that strong social networks help all people live longer and respond better to stress, are associated with a healthy endocrine and cardiovascular functioning, elevate mood, enhance self-esteem, and facilitate a sense of belonging and purpose.
Our residents therefore enjoy regularly planned activities, participate in interest groups, and attend social events that contribute to their Social Wellbeing. We offer the emotional, physical, and social activities that they need to remain healthy.
We are committed to fostering an environment where socialisation plays a vital role in the lives of our residents – by promoting relationships, encouraging effective communication, through activities and events, and by strengthening our community.
All adults are encouraged to remain physically and socially active, with the benefits of significantly boosting our overall health, particularly as we age. At Leigh Place, we promote an active social life that encompasses our residents’ physical, spiritual, and wellness needs.
To find out more, contact us today.