New Rights Based Aged Care Act set to commence on 1 July 2025

Australia is on the cusp of transformative changes in its aged care system, with the new Aged Care Act set to commence on 1 July 2025. This legislation aims to place the rights and needs of older Australians at the forefront, ensuring they receive the respect, care, and quality of life they deserve.

A Rights-Based Approach

The new Act introduces a rights-based framework, emphasising the dignity and autonomy of older individuals. This approach ensures that older Australians are aware of their rights and can confidently seek to have them upheld. The Act outlines these rights clearly, providing a foundation for individuals to live active, self-determined, and meaningful lives as they age.

Residential Aged Care

For those entering residential aged care from 1 July 2025, the Act introduces new funding and accommodation arrangements. These changes aim to enhance the quality and viability of residential care services. It’s important to note that individuals already in residential care as of 30 June 2025 will maintain their current arrangements until they choose to transition to the new system.

Strengthened Regulatory Oversight

To ensure accountability and high standards, the new Act establishes a robust regulatory model. This model includes stronger powers for the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission to investigate and address issues within the sector.

The new Aged Care Act represents a once-in-a-generation reform, prioritising the rights and needs of older Australians. By focusing on a rights-based approach, enhancing support services, and strengthening regulatory oversight, the Act aims to provide a more respectful, fair, and effective aged care system for all.

Leigh Place is excited by these changes and looks forward to continuing to lead the way!